Come and visit us at International Aerospace and Defense Industry Exhibition, which takes place September 14 – 16, 2023 at 1/F, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 (TaiNEX 1), Taipei, Taiwan at booth #K0932. We are going to show you how Taitien’s high-end frequency control products explore new horizons in the sky.
Taitien has set industry standards with its innovative frequency control product with superior low G-sensitivity technologies. It’s brought very significant improvements in the imaging effects and flight stability of drones. In this show, we will focus on demonstrating how to optimize and enhance various functions of unmanned aerial vehicles through our full crystal oscillators portfolio, application including wireless communication, computation, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, time capture, cameras, sensors, and navigation.
Inclement weather outdoors is a key application scenario and critical to crystal oscillators operation, especially when GPS and wireless transmission are needed. Taitien’s Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) provides accurate timing and strong signal to ensure accuracy for longitude and latitude estimation. In addition, our Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) can provide stable and accurate signals, low noise floor, low phase noise, and tight frequency stability for those advanced drones that rely on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), allowing drones to perform excellently in different working scenarios.
Our expertise is not limited to this. During the takeoff, cruising, and landing process of unmanned aerial vehicles, no matter what kind of airflow or harsh environment it face, Taitien’s full range of crystal oscillators can provide stable operation, accurate navigation, and deterministic communication in extreme temperature ranges. Such technological flexibility and excellent performance make us unique in the entire UAV market.
The upcoming International Aerospace and Defense Industry Exhibition is a great opportunity for you to experience our innovative technology. We sincerely invite you to visit our booth and see how our products provide excellent solutions for various applications in UAVs. We are looking forward to meeting you in the show.
Please reserve your time on the date of the exhibition, we look forward to your visit!