Precise frequency control product in Femtocell is required

High quality oscillators are required to ensure reliable long range data transmission by femtocells at high speed. TAITIEN has been focusing on frequency control products for nearly 30 years. Our vertically integrated business model enables TAITIEN to have close control of each step in the end-to-end crystal oscillator fabrication process. TAITIEN’s OCXO NF type features small package designed specifically for femtocell applications where minimal component size and high frequency stability is required. NF type OCXO offers cost effective solution without compromising performance requirement:
Small package 20.4 x 12.8 x 11.0 mm, standard DIP 14
AT-Cut Crystal
Accuracy frequency stability ±30 ppb
0 ℃ to + 70 ℃ operating temperature range
3.3 voltage operation
Aging, 5ppb per day
For GPS applications of femtocell, “Frequency Slope” and “Short-Term Stability” are two important parameters. TAITIEN has developed in-house equipments to conduct comprehensive testing on these critical parameters to minimize cold-start and ensure stable GPS signal receiving. TAITIEN TCXO TX series has been successfully utilized in a variety of GPS applications. For complete data specifications and samples please contact our sales office at +886-2-2686-1287 or email