As smartphones become more prevalent and popular in everyday life, the demand for wireless accessibility is growing rapidly as a result. In addition, the advent of 3G and beyond services has further driven the need for ubiquitous and uninterrupted coverage in order to realize the full potential of high speed cellular data services. In reality, however, the cost to roll out macro cellular base stations to ensure adequate service coverage everywhere is becoming more and more prohibitive. One solution to this problem is through Femtocell technology. Femtocells are small indoor cellular base stations designed to enhance indoor mobile phone service coverage. Femtocells provide wireless access points for cellular phones and route voice calls and data utilizing standard broadband connection to the mobile operator’s network. By having uninterrupted and strong signals for cellular phones, the high speed data rates and 3G/4G services can be easily attained indoors.
Similar to macrocell base stations, femtocells require tight frequency accuracy to ensure seamless handovers between macrocells and femtocells. Currently, the frequency accuracy needed for femtocell application is 0.25ppm or below, and can be as tight as 0.1ppm over operating temperature ranges. Historically, this level of frequency accuracy can only be achieved by OCXOs (Oven-controlled crystal oscillators), which can cost over $100. As the TCXO technology advances, a high precision TCXO may be used in femtocells to reduce the cost yet achieve similar performance.
Taitien Electronics, a leading provider of frequency control solutions, has over 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing high precision TCXOs for various demanding applications. Currently, Taitien has a variety of TCXO offerings suitable for femtocell designs. Specially developed for tight frequency stability and high reliability applications, Taitien’s low phase noise TS and TC product lines can fulfill a wide range of stringent product and environmental requirements in different femtocell applications. In addition, Taitien’s TW series, which have a small 5×3.2mm form factor, provide cost-effective solutions for system clocks as well as flexibility in hardware design in femtocell devices. With proprietary testing capability, Taitien is able to perform 100% precision temperature test on TCXO products to ensure the frequency stability performance meeting the demanding requirements for femtocell base stations. Moreover, in order to guarantee the holdover and aging performance needed for femtocell applications, Taitien subjects all the TCXOs for short-term stability and holdover testing before shipment. Since company inception, Taitien has strived for providing best value frequency control solutions with highest quality for its customers. For any question regarding technical or sales support, please contact our sales office at +886-2-2686-1287 or email