Taitien Electronics , a leading provider of frequency control solutions, has introduced the NA-10M-6800 series which is one of the highest performance Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXOs) at 10MHz with ultra-low phase noise performance levels. The new NA-10M-6800 series OCXOs are capable of providing ultra-low phase noise levels of -115dBc/Hz at 1Hz offset and with -170dBc/Hz for the floor beginning at 10 kHz offset.
The NA-10M-6800 series has various applications. These include reference clocks for synthesizers, test and measurement equipment, radar systems, and PLL application where ultra-low phase noise of the reference clock is key for the overall system performance. The OCXO is in a hermetically sealed industry standard package with a foot print of 25.78 mm x25.78 mm with a maximum height of 14.8 mm which makes it ideal to fit into the frame of a VXI or PXI test and measurement system.
For additional information on this new OCXO, please contact Taitien at sales@taitien.com.tw or refer to the online product datasheet . Samples are available upon request.