Taitien released a high-frequency OCXO with frequency up to 100 MHz. It delivers high spectral purity which is required by high-quality frequency synthesizers. The control voltage range is from 0 V to 10 V which facilitates flexible applications. The product offers sine wave output and the corresponding output load is typically 50 Ω. It delivers the characteristics of ultra stability, wide temperature range and fast preheating. The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C and the high/low temperature resistance is exceptional. It also provides good frequency reliability with the maximum annual frequency aging rate as low as ±50 ppb/year. The superior slope characteristics are ideal for reference clock requirements of the 1588 solution. Furthermore, the wide temperature range and high stability make it absolutely competitive in industrial application such as outdoor communication base stations, small/micro base stations and harsh working environments.
- Standard size of 25.4 x 25.4 mm
- Stratum 3 (total aging rate of 10 years <±6 ppm)
- Low phase noise
- Low G-sensitivity
- Fast warm-up
- Ultra high precision
- Application: base station, SDH/SONET, real-time clock, navigation and aerospace, digital switching, test equipment, communications and other products
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36.3 x 27.2 mm
100 MHz
Sine Wave
-157 dBc/Hz @ 1kHz
±100 ppb @ -40°C to +85°C
0.05 ppb/g